Real Residents, Real Homes #6

The first for 2021, Norwich Green resident Olivia shares her love of her home through her own account @oliviaopokux, and shares her tips with us!

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Meet Olivia.


What made you choose a Simple Life Home?

The main reason why we chose Simple Life was because of the advertisements. We were searching for months for that perfect home and never seemed to find one, until we came across a Simple Life Home online. The pictures and the description described everything we wanted in a home and we knew we had to get one. The Ellesmere style caught our eye straight away and ever since then it’s been perfect.


Real Residents, Real Homes #6

What room did you find the trickiest to decorate and why?

I think for us, the trickiest room to decorate was definitely the living room. This was the room that guests were going to see the most, and spend the most time in. We wanted this room to have a reflection on us, but also to have modern touches to it. We spend a lot of our time in this room, and we wanted to get it to the highest standards and make this room feel as homely as possible.


Do you follow trends or stick to one style?

I’d like to think that we follow trends, but we also stick to one style at the same time. Mostly we go for a very modern approach, and I am always looking around for inspiration, especially on lnstagram there’s a lot of house pages. We have a black, white and grey colour scheme going on, with a bit of colour here and there.


How would you describe your interior style? Does this reflect your personality?

I would describe our interior style as being modern and very minimalistic. We love modern furniture and ornaments, but at the same time we like to have very little of it in our home. I would say our interior reflects on our personality, because of the style we went for and how our rooms are set up.


Real Residents, Real Homes #6

What are your do’s and don’ts for decorating a home?

Don’t make your home too cluttered.
Don’t make your home interior based on one colour.
Don’t match everything in your home.
Do go out of your comfort zone and follow trends.
Do make your home bright and cheerful.
Do be patient and take your time.
Do make use of the space you have, and fill empty gaps.


What’s your favourite way to fill a blank wall?

Mirrors are my favourite way to fill a blank wall and make the rooms look bigger. They also add a modern touch to the room that you are decorating. I also love black and white pictures, such as modern artwork and at the moment I am obsessed with Highland cow canvases/posters.


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