As part of Simple Life’s Peace of Mind month in April, we were delighted to be able to offer something special during this lockdown period. During this crisis, it has been more important than ever that our residents feel not only safe in their homes but also part of a supportive and inclusive community.
Over the course of six weeks, our series saw a number of videos posted to our social channels created for us by professionals, partners and residents across a range of themes to help keep our residents healthy both physically and mentally. Throughout the series, we have seen an online community develop by encouraging our residents to stay connected. The videos posted ranged from meditation, to make up, to Pilates, to baking.
Week 1 – Meditation and Mind-set
The first week was all about meditation and mind-set, the perfect place to start, the lockdown had just begun, stress levels were high and we wanted to remind our residents the importance of looking after themselves.
We were pleased to be joined by two fantastic professionals – Briony Gunson and Karen Mullins – who took us through a guided meditation and a programme all about setting the right mind-set to reach our goals. They can be viewed any time on our YouTube playlist or by clicking their pictures below.
Week 2 – Feeling Good
This was followed by a week dedicated to feeling good. One of our very own residents is a freelance make-up artist, and Hayley provided an excellent and easy to follow tutorial to nail that perfect Smokey Eye.
Whilst we may not be getting out of the house, it’s still important to feel comfortable and happy in our own skin – and our clothes. We were really pleased to be joined by Isabel, a fashion expert who has shared her tips to stay stylish when ditching the PJ’s, and making sure you can still feel professional during those ever-present video conference calls.
Week 3 – Fitness
For fitness week we were joined by Michael Hunter. Michael is a registered physiotherapist with a passion for clinical Pilates, and leads us through a 40minute beginners practice with no equipment required, just a towel and a bit of space. Perfect to counteract all the extra sitting we’re doing during lockdown.
And to get the blood pumping, one of our residents Jessica Crook collated a fantastic 20 minute Hit workout – just 10 moves, but you’ll be sweating by the end of it!
Week 4 – Foodie Week
After all that hard work, we know that we’re deserving of something a bit indulgent. Our foodie week had a great mix of tasty treats and healthy home meals, all thanks to two fabulous residents.
Jessica isn’t just about the exercise, but is a big fan of easy to cook home-made food and shared four meals with us!
Molly shared with us a wonderful video of how to make sugar cookies – perfect to decorate with the kids – and a classic banana bread.
Week 5 – Healthy Living
Not forgetting the heart of the health and well-being series, week 5 allowed us to focus on looking after our internal environment (our mind) and our external environment (our home).
With fantastic home cleaning hacks from Rebecca, the resident behind Instagram account OurSimpleHome_31, Rebecca gave residents helpful tips on how to get their external environment organised, creating a lovely place to spend time.
We also heard from Bex at The Mindful Kitchen who shared some Vegan recipes and discussed what it means to have a healthy relationship with food. Bex offers some interesting insights in to our diets and eating habits.
Finally, to help combat any anxieties and stresses that are coming to the front of mind, resident and Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist Adel shared a masterclass in EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques, as a practical way to cope and recover.
Week 6 – Music
We wanted to end the series with a feel good bang, so we focused our last week on music and dancing – something that for so many brings so much joy.
Damien from B-Better dance group has the perfect hip hop routine for the whole family to get involved with and to practice in their living rooms. Simple moves that put together to make an epic dance!
We ended our series with a live DJ set from Carl Rushe, a half hour lockdown party featuring classic floor fillers and recent chart toppers.