Santa, Elves & Merry Memories

Simple Life delivers a little Christmas magic to residents this year as we brought back our Festive Events with a cheeky addition to join the parade..

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As is now an annual tradition, Santa and his elves made a comeback this December and visited 60 developments across the country, with a special appearance from an Elf escaped from the shelf into the wild to spread some mischief amongst Simple Life neighbourhoods. We had ice, rain, and a sprinkle of Sunshine as we paraded up and down the streets to bring some Christmas magic to doorsteps.

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The brass band of elves were there to play merry tunes, whilst Santa received letters from hopeful children

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It wasn’t just the little ones who were thrilled by the visit – the furry members of our community were delighted by the attention from the Merry Gang..

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This year, we took festive fun to a whole new level and it wasn’t just the developments where Santa was spotted. We were excited to launch our first ever game on the My Simple Life App – whereby residents were invited to guide Santa through chimneys to help make his deliveries. The top three Simple Slayers will receive cash prizes in the new year! It will be close at the top with 550+ residents hooked on helping Santa Slay!

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A huge thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s festivities – we wish you a wonderful holiday season, looking forward to what’s in store for next year!