Payment Plan Request

We will work with you to try and ensure that any payment issues are kept to a minimum and that any arrears balance is minimised. To enable us to consider your request, please answer the questions below as fully and accurately as possible. All the tenants at the property must complete their own form within 3 working days to be considered.

Before signing this payment plan request, we ask that you note the following:

  • Should you fail to adhere to any agreed payment plan we will take this as evidence that you are unable to afford the property and we will consider inviting you to end the tenancy.
  • All incidents of arrears, and in particular any broken payment plans, are taken into consideration when your landlords are considering whether to renew your tenancy.
  • Your landlords’ agreement to you entering a payment plan does not preclude them from commencing possession proceedings if you owe more than 2 months in rent and neither does it preclude them from commencing s21 possession proceedings if deemed appropriate.
  • All arrears must be cleared within 3 months of an agreed payment plan.
  • We would remind you that should you leave the property whilst still owing arrears and/or other debts related to the property, if the debt is not settled, we will issue court proceedings to recover the debt. This can result in a CCJ against you and in some circumstances an Attachment of Earnings Order or Bankruptcy.

    Refer to initial email