We’re readdressing the balance in the way renting is perceived, by bringing you discussions between experts and residents to showcase what a positive experience it can be. From the homes themselves to the communities they create, listen now to discover more.

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S02 E06 06/01/2023
37 minutes


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At Simple Life we’re on a mission to improve educational facilities for our communities, and we understand there are multiple ways to reach pupils. In today’s society, with a higher demand for self-awareness, developing outside of the classroom is of increasing importance.

We’re heading back to the school for our final episode of Series 2 as we’re joined by ESG director for Simple Life, Niamh with three of our partners from educational charities to provide their insights on the things they don’t teach you in the classroom…

When it comes to delivering interactive and authentic experiences to young people, we know first hand that opportunities provided by Non-profit organisations can have life-altering results.

S02 E05 23/09/2022
31 mins


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This week, we’re delving into the rental market around the capital, as we are joined on-location by some of the Simple Life London team.

Recording within one of the showhomes at Beam Park, we discuss how renting has – and is – changing in London, as the needs of those living in the city fluctuate to new ways of working.

From changing priorities, to the increase of Build to Rent as a viable renting option, London living isn’t just about the bright lights and high rises any more.

S02 E04 22/08/2022
20 mins


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The conversation around renting is – slowly – starting to shift, with people coming to see it as a viable alternative lifestyle option, not second class to owning a home.

How Build to Rent providers speak to their customers is vital, showcasing not just the homes they provide, but everything that comes with having those four walls to surround you and your family.

Today’s episode looks at Simple Life’s new strategy for communicating these key messages, developed with agency Mindfield, to change perceptions.

S02 E03 17/08/2022
20 mins


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For those looking to rent – whether by choice or in response to the housing market – finding a home you can feel secure in, from a landlord you can trust, can feel impossible.

But with the rise in Build to Rent providers giving more choice, there are businesses out there who are trying to make the search for a new home even easier, with verified views and one-stop-shops for quality listings.

We speak with two such companies – HomeViews and Love To Rent – to hear how they are using their services to empower renters to find their next move.

S02 E02 24/05/2022
28 mins


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Finding peace of mind at home comes from more than the lock on your door or the neighbourhood that surrounds you. Having the confidence of what to do in an emergency situation can be the difference in someone surviving – from knowing how to spot a heart attack, to quick actions to deal with choking.

We’re honoured that this episode is led by representatives from St John Ambulance and the British Heart Foundation, who share their expertise so you’re armed to handle whatever may happen in your home.

Find out more about their work at and

S02 E01 21/03/2022
20 mins


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We’re revealing the tips and tricks to help renters get the best out of their tenancy, right up until the end. From how to ensure you get your deposit back, to our team’s insights into the best rental property makeovers they’ve seen so far.

Joined by Simple Life Build to Rent Team Leader James Hardern, and Property Inspector James Wren, these two have the insights into all things maintenance, keeping properties in good shape for residents, and how communication is always key.